Earth Day: Our commitment to combat climate change and its effects

Our planet sends us a message. This past year we have witnessed record temperatures in Europe, devastating fires in Australia and the worst locust invasion in the Horn of Africa. Now we are facing COVID -19, a global health pandemic with a strong relation to our health and that of our ecosystem.


In this scenario, our immediate priority is to prevent the spread of the virus and to care for each other, but in the long term, it is important to focus on the threat of habitat and biodiversity loss, since a diversity of species makes it difficult for pathogens to spread rapidly.


Despite current efforts, biodiversity is deteriorating worldwide at an unprecedented rate. According to data provided by the UN, it is estimated that around one million animal and plant species are currently in danger of extinction.


At PCG, as members of the Global Compact, we are committed to fighting the consequences of human activity that threaten our way of life and the future of our planet.


Through the Goal 13 targets, the United Nations encourages us to take urgent action to prevent climate change. We, as a company, are working on adopting the necessary habits to be part of the solution by implementing different actions:


We make sure that our manufacturing activities do not impact the environment or the local community by fostering the development and dissemination of environmentally-friendly technologies.

We replaced all of the company’s lighting with energy-saving fluorescent LEDs.

We work with recycled and FSC- and PEFC-certified paper. All our surplus production is recycled in companies certified by the Government of Catalonia.

We constantly set ourselves new ecological objectives, such as the renovation of PCG’s infrastructure in order to have increasingly less pollutant offices and machinery.


Whether you are an individual or a company, we can all start taking action for our planet! For more information, you can visit the United Nations website and its article related to the Sustainable Development Goal 13.

Contact with PCG

If you need a personalised quotation or would like our team to provide you with assessment for your projects, please feel free to contact us. We are a team of professionals from the sector that will look after your project from beginning to end.

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