Our values

PCG Printing Services

At PCG, we believe that ethical values are essential to build relationships based on trust with our stakeholders. We support and respect the protection of fundamental human rights and we have a responsibility to ensure that human rights are respected both in our workplaces and in our sphere of influence.

We promote sustainability and operate according to the principle of transparency. We are committed to acting with integrity, honesty and transparency; this policy permits a company from the management team down to the organisation’s basic operating level and we work to develop specific programmes in this regard.

green printing services Barcelona eco-friendly

Environmental impact

Protection of the environment has become one of our main objectives within our production processes. Our services include the manufacture of recycled and recyclable cardboard eco-furniture, which heralds an environmentally-friendly innovation in the furniture world.

We make sure that our manufacturing activities do not impact the environment or the local community by fostering the development and dissemination of environmentally-friendly technologies. Measures such as replacing the company’s entire lighting system with low-consumption fluorescent LEDs and working with recycled and FSC- and PEFC-certified paper. All our surplus production is recycled in companies certified by the Government of Catalonia.

We constantly set ourselves new ecological objectives, such as the renovation of PCG’s infrastructure in order to have increasingly less pollutant offices and machinery. We are also constantly striving to reduce our internal paper consumption.

green printing services Barcelona Human Rights

Our employees

PCG honours all its obligations with the Administration and its workers:

  • We promote and are totally committed to gender equality in companies. Our workforce is comprised of the same proportion of men and women and implements wage parity.
  • We are committed to training future workers. Every year, PCG takes on students on work experience to complete their training and to help them transition into the job world.
  • We provide our employees with ongoing training and retraining.
  • We fulfil all the relevant Occupational Health and Safety risk prevention regulations.
  • Employees are offered flexible timetables to allow them to attend to their family obligations and to adapt to the company’s production rhythm in a win-win situation for everyone.
  • All our employees have a permanent contract of employment.
  • PCG is also committed to the integration of persons with disabilities in the workplace to further their social integration.
green printing services Barcelona Social Responsibility

Responsabilidad social

PCG has been a member of the Red Española del Pacto Mundial (Spanish Network of the Global Compact) since 2015, an international initiative that promotes the implementation of the 10 corporate social responsibility principles (CSR) in the areas of Human Rights and the Company, Industrial Regulations, the Environment and the Fight against Corruption in company activities and business strategy.

We are governed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, according to which our employees enjoy the rights and freedoms proclaimed in this Declaration, with no distinction made in terms of race, colour, gender, language, religion, political opinion or of any other kind, national or social origin, economic position, birth or any other condition.

We have been members of the Red Española del Pacto Mundial since 2015, and since then we have made a major effort to pass on this challenge to all areas of influence (employees, suppliers, customers, the local community…) through numerous channels: website, company catalogues, social media, the signature of emails

We are committed to the fight against corruption, all forms of extortion and to developing specific programmes to fight such activities. Every day, PCG fights against money laundering by means of transparent and well-documented communication. All our invoices and delivery notes are documented and our payments are made by means of transfer, bank draft or TPV.

Contacta with PCG

If you need a personalized quote or want our team to advise you on your projects, do not hesitate to contact us. We are a team of professionals of the sector that will take care of your project from start to finish.

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